Monday, April 18, 2011

feeling rejuvenated.

There are some people who jog for pleasure. I am not one of them. Jogging is, well, miserable. The only part of jogging that I like is the part where I'm done jogging. Didn't see that one coming did ya? But there's always that wonderful feeling I get after a nice miserable jog. The feeling of rejuvenation. At first, I'm tired, but then I get a rush of energy. Not to mention the feeling of accomplishment. Overall, jogging has way more pros than cons. I just need to suck it up and push through the pain.

But jogging provides me with more than just a burst of energy, a feeling of accomplishment, or a way to keep in shape. It provides me a time by myself. A time where I can just run with my thoughts. Just me and God...O, and my dog Max too. It's a time where I can just talk with God and admire His creation. You wouldn't think there would be anything interesting to look at here in central Illinois, but there is more than meets the eye. The grass isn't just green, it' the kind of green only God could create. It's the most perfectly lush shade of green you've ever seen. And the sky is always changing- sometimes blue, sometimes grey, but always an incredible sight to see. And in the distance there's the busy highway. The quiet yet constant buzz of the cars reminds me of how small I am in comparison to this massive planet.  The feeling of the wind against my face cools me down. And I've never breathed such fresh and perfect air as the air in rural Illinois. No pollution, no smoke, no exhaust. Just air. First it picks up the aroma of the neighbors flowers, then it blows through the pine trees in your yard, and finally it swoops through the grass in the ditches until it reaches your nose. Just in time to give me my next wonderful breath of freshness. 

So maybe there is more to jogging after all :) ahh simple pleasures...

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know that the only part of jogging you liked was the part when you're done. hm. Good incentive I guess.

    Listen, your blog is hilarious.
